In our series ‘That Girl’, @brynhildrthedrag brings us the faces and voices of those who live for queer liberation 365 days a year. Come along as we follow Brynhildr during Copenhagen Pride Week, who introduces us to some of the awesome women and femmes of the queer community here in Copenhagen.

Production: Girls Are Awesome
Film & Edit: Nikolaj Rohde Simonsen // Emma Ishøy
Photography: Nikolaj Rohde Simonsen
Graphic: Ida-Maria TC


“I want to show you the queer liberation of Copenhagen. I want to show you the faces and voices of those who live for queer liberation 365 days a year. I want to take you along and show you the wonderful women and femmes of our community here in Copenhagen and I can’t wait to show that all of us girls are awesome and that we all deserve to be that girl.”

- Brynhildr the Drag

“There are levels of sex work, and we need [the levels] to talk about it more without being stigmatized.”

- Marie Peschardt

“I very quickly picked up on all the people who came from an artsy scene or a queer scene or a gay scene, and they picked up on me as well. It was like, oh you're my family! This is where I belong - these people are my people.”

- Lina Rafn

“When you are constantly put down by society because of your sexuality and gender identity How do you validate your sexuality and your gender identity? Through sex!

In order to get that validation we go to extremes that put us in danger.”

- Amanita

“Visibility is a very specific thing that has affected my drag in a very specific way. Random people that I don’t know, taking my picture without my consent, is very violating to me.

I have recently figured out that the only way I’m going to combat it is that whenever anyone asks for a picture, I’m going to ask for money. Reparations.”

- @evitakedavra

​“It is important that we do not stop the education here. It is a lifelong process, and we need to do it everyday.”

- Brynhildr